Benefits Of Web-Based Access Control Systems

5 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog


For a more modern security system, businesses should consider switching to a web-based access control system. Not only does this system provide enhanced security, but it also provides other significant benefits for virtually any business. 

Centralized System

The major benefit of a web-based system is the system is centralized. This is ideal for remote management of properties and businesses that might have locations in several places. Since many businesses want to reduce or eliminate an IT department, this is one way to minimize the number of people necessary at any single site to manage IT issues. Since businesses often outsource their IT to a managed IT company, this is another component of IT that can be outsourced or be the responsibility of someone working remotely.

Improved Security

A web-based system provides some of the most comprehensive and fastest access control because permissions can be updated quickly. Some companies, especially those dealing with highly-secure information might want to create extremely specific access control requirements. The company can limit which employees can go to particular areas of the building and even specify a range of times when the access is active. This system is also ideal in urgent situations. For example, if an employee needs to temporarily perform a job function because someone is out of the office, you can grant access to the substitute and revoke access after the regular person returns. This process is especially useful for companies that hire temporary employees.

Effective Monitoring

A web-based access control system can be a single component of an overall system to monitor employees and keep the building secure. Generally, companies will want to integrate the system with video surveillance and alarm systems. Since there is always a risk of workplace issues, such as theft or violence, the combination of control systems and surveillance can be used as a tool to assist internal investigations of employees or even if pressing charges against an employee is necessary. Access control allows you to store data regarding which card was used to gain entry to a particular area. If something was stolen in the area at a particular time, you might deduce the person who last entered that area took the item. Unfortunately, this is not foolproof, making surveillance necessary. Matching the timestamp between the surveillance video and the access control records might reveal the ID or keycard was stolen and used by someone else to gain entry.

Using a web-based access control system allows you to have fast control over access to your business. The ability to grant or revoke access at a moment's notice can be an ideal security feature in emergencies.

Reach out to a company that offers web-based access control system services to learn more.